One day before the end of the second hard lockdown in Austria, the Federal Chancellor addresses admonishing and appealing words to the population.
One day before the end of the hard lockdown, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) addressed the population in a written statement. In it, the head of government calls for the measures that are still in force to be adhered to. Only in this way could the positive development of the past days continue. Kurz is pleased about this positive news, saying that in recent weeks it has been possible to halve the daily number of new infections with the coronavirus.
Now it is important not to jeopardize this progress lightly. The Chancellor sees no alternative to the remaining measures, such as the night-time curfew, contact restrictions and the closed restaurants and empty hotel beds. Another essential part of bringing the infection under control as best as possible is mass testing. Briefly, the letter once again calls for active participation. “Because 15 minutes of rapid testing can save us all many weeks of lockdown.”
At the same time, Kurz also radiated optimism on the vaccine issue. “The development and approval of the vaccines is progressing rapidly, and preparations to use these vaccines in our country as early as January are in full swing,” said Kurz.
- hp, Source. and news agencies. picture:
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